
28 July 2011

Inspiration Is Perspiration

Many of us are conditioned to believe that inspiration is something that comes to us. We are constantly chasing the muse. Sadly, the more we chase, the more inspiration eludes us.

Placing one's self at the mercy of sudden flashes of satori makes for a very sporadic and inconsistent output. Why? Because when we seek inspiration from external sources, we tend to substitute them for our sense of consistency and commitment. While they can provide information or place us in a state of mind more conducive to creativity, the effects aren't that lasting. We can be surrounded by a plethora of materials and references, and still produce nothing. We can have everything we need within our reach, but if our heart and mind aren't in the task, we end up with nothing.

Inspiration should come from within. When we are self-contained and self-directed, very few disturbances can shake us from reaching our goal. Many tend to overlook this basic fact: we already have what it takes to be creative, and that is our own self. 

The secret to becoming inspired is to simply start working. Instead of waiting to be motivated by an external force, you create your own momentum by pushing yourself forward. Don't complain, don't overthink, and resist the urge to criticize yourself and your work. Just stay focused on your goal and keep at it. Eventually your drive will catch on.

There will be times when you will encounter a massive creative roadblock, and the only sensible response is to step away from it for a while. Let the problem marinate for a bit on the back burner. But setbacks like such are only as persistent as one allows them to be, and as long as you are driven to overcome them with solutions, they are only temporary.

Choose your direction, start from there, and stick to it. It's that simple. So roll up those sleeves and get to work. Become your own muse.

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