
14 April 2011

Simple Pleasure Of The Day: Nightmares

YES, today's simple pleasure is nightmares. Or more accurately, waking up from a nightmare and finding out you're alive and in one piece, as your loved ones are. 


Last night I dreamed that I was running through the city, its streets crawling with zombies. Weaponless, I kept dodging the undead in the hopes of finding shelter. Soon I ran into an uninfected man who offered his place for the night.

Upon entering his house, a girl of about 12 came charging at me. Rabid, undead! As she chased me down the hallways, my host's apologetic explanation followed: that the girl was his daughter, she was bitten, but he could not bring to kill her. He pleaded for me to spare her unlife as well, and he would allow me to stay at his place indefinitely.

So there was my dilemma: should I run back into the streets where I could dodge zombies unarmed, or should I stay trapped inside a house with one rabid girl whom I could not kill? 

I woke up, stiff with fear, yet grateful for the relative safety that real life brings. 
(Later a friend suggested that I kill both my host and his daughter. Brilliant!)

Our nightmares have the power to remind us of what we fear most. Sometimes, they also offer solutions on how to overcome them.

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