
24 April 2011

Simple Pleasure Of The Day: Childhood Food

SAY hello to Mr. Corn.

I just spotted this being sold at a nearby street, then realized that the last time I enjoyed one of these babies was when I was six. That was almost 30 years ago. Of course I just had to purchase two, one of which got tucked inside my handbag for future consumption while I immediately ate -- no, inhaled the other.

As my teeth sank into the sweetly charred kernels, memories of my paternal grandma came flooding back in. She used to roast fresh corn at the front of our suburban house in the afternoons, which I would later slather with a thick layer of creamy butter mixed with salt and black pepper. Orgasm on a cob. It's been so long.

There are a few things like a favorite food, a scent, or an old song that can instantly transport us back to long-forgotten childhood days. For me, one bite of this roasted corn tasted of warm, lazy afternoons with grandma.

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